

To the victor go the spoils, and in this case, Tim Casto took home a McLeod RTX clutch and flywheel, plus $500 for winning the 2020 TREMEC Stick Shift Shootout title with his TREMEC-equipped Mustang LX. In addition, he was presented with an award in the Aerospace Components Winner’s Circle. All eight qualifiers received TREMEC Stick Shift Shootout jackets and hats.

To the victor go the spoils, and in this case, Tim Casto took home a McLeod RTX clutch and flywheel, plus $500 for winning the 2020 TREMEC Stick Shift Shootout title with his TREMEC-equipped Mustang LX. In addition, he was presented with an award in the Aerospace Components Winner’s Circle. All eight qualifiers received TREMEC Stick Shift Shootout jackets and hats.