Liberty’s Gears to Shift Your Own Gears with High Horsepower 7

Liberty’s Gears to Shift Your Own Gears with High Horsepower 7

Another step in the enhancement process is cryogenic treatment of certain transmission components. This freezing process converts any retained austinite from the carburizing heat-treatment process to martensite, which enhances gear hardness and toughness. To make certain that durability isn’t affected, Liberty’s does this before and after Rockwell hardness testing on cryo-treated components.

Another step in the enhancement process is cryogenic treatment of certain transmission components. This freezing process converts any retained austinite from the carburizing heat-treatment process to martensite, which enhances gear hardness and toughness. To make certain that durability isn’t affected, Liberty’s does this before and after Rockwell hardness testing on cryo-treated components.